About ELV Regulation

Regulation About Controlling of End of Life Vehicles was issued by the Turkish Republic Ministry of Environment and Forestry in Official Gazette, date 30.12.2009, no.27448 (for Regulation click the underlined part). According to the Regulation the points in which end of life vehicles owners are interested as in the following:

Owner of vehicle is liable to deliver duly his/her end of life vehicle to ELV collection points, storage spaces or processing plants and to receive certified write-down and disposal form for his/or vehicle from the authorized person in collection point

Except for the following cases, vehicles brought to ELV collection points shall be received free of charge:

  • If registration procedures of vehicle are not performed according to the Highway Traffic Law,
  • If vehicle lacks important parts such as differential gear, catalyst, engine, electronic control units, tire, superstructure etc,
  • If there are wastes or junks that are not belong to vehicle,
  • If vehicle is changed into a vehicle class that is out of Regulation.